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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

postheadericon The victory day

Victory day is one of the most memorable days in our national life. This day is observed on the 16th December every year as we have achieved our national freedom from the tyranny of the then West-Pakistan through a tough liberation war. The brutal Pakistani army began an inhuman attack on the innocent people and many of our intellectuals and tortured innumerable woman. But our brave sons could not tolerate this inhumane attack. Both male and female from all portions of our society started a bloody struggle against the Pakistani rulers. After a nine month struggle the Pakhistan army was forced to surrender unconditionally. Thus the people of  Bangladesh have brought the independence from the oppressive Pakistani rulers. It is not only a day of enjoyment but also a day of sorrow. It also makes us remember of our heroic sons and daughters who laid their lives to bring the freedom. The victory day symbolizes the triumph of justice over tyranny, of truth over falsehood. So the 16th December is a very important day in the history of Bangladesh.


dhrubo said...

good for the students

adline said...

good for school student

Raisa hasin said...

Helpful for us 👍🏻

Victory Day of Bangladesh said...

Amazing article and love the way you explained it its too hard to find people like you now a days with these type of skills wow againa and again thanks

Unknown said...

its really good

Unknown said...

That's paragraph is very important.
